Monday, June 30, 2008

What The Employers Are Saying . . .

Turn Off Your Cell Phone
Stop Texting During Meetings
We Hate Your Blackberrys
Ringing Cell Phone = Unprofessional

It's true. Employers are becoming increasingly more irritated with associates using their personal cell phones and PDA's during work hours. The legal work environment is not the place for your Britney ringtone or the newest Blackberry Tetris game. Start practicing good habits now. Turn off your cell phones before law school meetings or programs. Remember there is a world happening around you while you text away while listening to your IPod. DO NOT BRING YOUR CELL PHONE TO AN INTERVIEW. Employers are noticing who does and does not have good technology etiquette. You do not want to be "THAT student" who was not offered a second interview because his or her cell phone went off during the initial conversation.