Friday, February 25, 2011

1Ls!! Foley Diversity Scholarship Program - DEADLINE April 1!

In 1998, Foley created this program to raise awareness of diversity-related issues in the legal profession. A strong and effective diversity program is one of the highest priorities of the firm, and the Diversity Scholarship Program exemplifies Foley’s tangible commitment to the advancement of diverse law students and to achieving a more inclusive legal community. Through the program, Foley awards a $5,000 scholarship to a diverse law student at select law schools: Berkeley, Duke, Florida, Georgetown, Michigan, Northwestern, UCLA, and Wisconsin.

Foley will award one scholarship in the amount of $5,000 to a first-year student at each law school noted above. To be eligible, an applicant must be either a) a member of one of the following government recognized racial/ethnic groups as defined by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance programs: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, or Hispanic or b) identify as LGBT. The scholarship will be paid either to the recipient or to the law school (at the recipient’s request) during the recipient’s spring semester and is to be applied to tuition, books, fees, and other expenses incident to law school attendance.

For more information visit: